Nature Enhanced Forest Management Plans

Enhanced forest management plans

(Enhanced FMP or PAF bonifiés in French)

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A forest management plan (FMP) is a document that describes a forest property. A Nature enhanced FMP includes the basic forestry information of a traditional FMP, but pays more attention to sensitive elements of the forest property. It may be more or less extensive, but at a minimum includes known information on wetlands, exceptional forest ecosystems, and endangered species identified on the property. In addition to identifying the presence and location of these sensitive elements, it usually includes fact sheets providing information about the elements found on the property and suggesting recommendations for their protection that are applicable in a forest management context.

Fact sheets for inclusion in Nature enhanced FMP

A number of fact sheets have been developed for inclusion in Nature enhanced FMP. They may concern wetlands, exceptional forest ecosystems or species at risk. Others focus on habitat types or components that are important for biodiversity.

Introductory sheet

Fact sheets on types of environment, habitats or habitat components

  •  Fact sheets on forest species in precarious situations

Floristic species

Wildlife species

These fact sheets were developed by the Agence forestière de la Montérégie (AFM), the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), the Fédération des producteurs forestiers du Québec (FPFQ) and the Agence forestière des Bois-Francs (AFBF) as part of projects funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and its partners.